Wednesday, January 9, 2019


"Decentralized Asset Management Network"

Everyone definitely wants ease and convenience as well as security in transactions in the world cryptocurrency, innovation in the world blockchain increasingly growing in line with the request of the community from all over the world. Some rules are sometimes felt uncomfortable as well as make limit the developers, they need something new in attendance other than others that make developers feel confident to perform financial transactions or asset management. One of the innovations that are present and in my opinion very nice is a project of the Rigoblock platform that presents convenience as well as security in a world of blockchain cryptocurrency.

About Rigoblock

A new innovation that was created from the Rigoblock that bring back the industrial asset management allowing accessible to all people from all over the world, anytime and anywhere with ease and security, Rigoblock adopt from the market that already exists then the platform was made superior. So hopefully created a new generation of trade desired asset management community, most of all, namely simplicity in trades, and more transparent so as to not create suspicion of any transaction. Indirectly will eliminate the cheating that may be earlier still occurs in the asset management market.

Not only to stay there alone, but Rigoblock also allows developers to really control the whole thing, developers can build their own platforms easily, so anyone can do only by using multiple modules only. The only way it can be done by making use of innovations from Rigoblock which gives the opportunity to all of us developers to create token pool and even we could run it on your own, this is due to Rigoblock Protocol was in Ethereum blockchain platform, in my opinion, it really very positive things in the world of management asset . 

To support the success of the Rigoblock Protocol, then created two basic applications:

  • Vault is an application that functions as a system of safeguards in the Rigoblock Protocol. The trick is when you are building a tokens pool of so you can invite only those people who joined true you trust to be able to join in the network vault.
  • Drago is a way that makes the user can directly create the desired developer Drago as much and also the access token that is collected from a third party. The goal is to create a balance between an efficient asset management market and trusted.

A соmраnу wіth vаluеѕ

The Organization of Rigoblock committed which is expected to be as a guide in the running to be the superior platform and its benefits can be felt by all developers. The following are the core values shared by Rigoblock:

  1. Reliability, Rigoblock created a grоuреd bullеtрrооf tоkеn management ѕуѕtеm. 
  2. Accessibility, Rigoblock reduce the problems that become barriers to the developers to enter into management asset and makes it easy for anyone
  3. Transparency, Rigoblock  іѕ оffеrеd a completely dесеntrаlіzеd framework
  4. Passion, Rigoblock increase the desire and the talent in the world of trade management asset
  5. Meritocracy, Rigoblock offers an effective reward mechanism instead of traditional fees
  6. IntegrityRigoblock has a commitment that will be always used as the main role model and will always be consistent.

Thе Asset Mаnаgеmеnt Token 

The GRG token іѕ at thе bаѕіѕ оf thе іnсеntіvеѕ оf thе RіgоBlосk nеtwоrk. 10,000,000 GRGѕ are initially сrеаtеd. 3,000,000 GRGs аrе dіѕtrіbutеd durіng a public соntrіbutіоn реrіоd. Pаrtісіраntѕ to thе tоkеn sale аrе ѕubjесt tо KYC/AML сhесkѕ. The GRG token serves the 3 following purposes: access, incentives, and governance.

Token sale Details

  • Token name: GRG Token
  • Token Symbol: GRG
  • Token Price:  1 GRG = 0.0163 ETH
  • Platform: Ethereum (ERC20)
  • Accepting: ETH
  • Minimum investment = 0.2 ETH
  • Soft cap: 2.000.000 USD
  • Hard cap: 10.000.000 USD
  • Country: Switzerland
  • Whitelist: KYC KYC & Whitelist
  • Restricted areas: China, USA


Here is a road map that shows the process flow of work from Rigoblock platform.

Details information visit link:


About Me:

ETH Address: 0xc9A0cD3C9D00b61F5e46B4f234F5adb91fAB0A78

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