Friday, January 19, 2018


" Offering The Market Solution "

AIDA SERVICE provides automated sales and services without intermediaries. Our users are Customers, Producers, Logisticians, Warehouses and Network Partners. For us, AIDA developers, it is important that the volume of online sales (e-commerce) is rapidly growing in a construction area. The market for building supplies have been chosen for the reason of comprehensive range of the goods and the expertise of the founders of AIDA project in this area. However, we are aware of the fact that the problems similar to those which we already solved with our service, exist in other business areas. After the process of testing and implementation of the product, we consider entering other markets in such areas as Food etc, Furniture, Equipment, Computer hardware, And also gaining access to global markets.
  1. Customers: These are construction, mounting and any other companies that perform construction and installation work for their own needs; also these are individuals who perform construction works for themselves or have pre-orders (for sale).
  2. Manufacturers: These are the factories and production facilities producing construction material. There are many of them, as well as the materials that they produce (from nails to cement and concrete products).
  3. Logistics experts: Someone has to deliver materials from manufacturers to the end users or to transshipment hubs (warehouses).
  4. Warehouses: One more important participant in the business process. These can be both permanent storage places for materials and temporary storages with further transportation.
These are four key participants in the chain of delivery of construction materials. Every segment of business process has its own problems. Let us describe them briefly. Let us start with the Customers. Internal corruption in supply department causes serious problems to a company and sometimes can result in lost profit.
Our Mission
  • The development of unique automated sales platform (service), which will target to resolve 90% of the existing market issues.
Our Vision
  • We are aiming to create the sales service #1 in the world, which will consider both the major problems of our clients and pay attention to the details that will help to make the work with them more convenient.  There is a possibility of solving the problems of all the participants of the process: via providing the tools that will operate as a single organism. 

We developed an internal tool for marketing promotion of AIDA. Probably, thanks to universal solution it can be used not only within the service frames. Both housewives and business persons, advanced bloggers or advertising agencies can earn money with this tool. The service operates on an innovative business model and unites all participants in the supply process due to automation. Unlike existing sites like Tao-Bao, Alibaba, Aliexpress, Amazon, our service is easily adaptable and works with manufacturers directly. Logistics is complemented by the opportunity to connect to the warehouse system in almost all cities. It provides manufacturers with customer loyalty, reduces logistics costs due to wholesale supplies and increases sales. In the partner warehouses of the service showrooms for manufacturers will also be installed to demonstrate the materials, according to the terms of the affiliate network. The service operates in the B2C and B2B segments and is focused not only on the goods marketing produced in one country but also on the goods marketing of all states integrated into it.

One of the tasks of the service is to provide security for the end user. To this end, we introduced a three-stage inspection of manufacturers and service providers. 
  • Step 1When registering with the service, the counterparty fills out a questionnaire with the details of the company. Virtually every state has e-government databases for registered companies.
  • Step 2: In cases where the company passes the automatic verification phase, it is given the opportunity to set up production units (conveyors, document management, raw materials, storage, etc.). Adjust price lists and integrate with the marketplace After he completes all the mandatory modules to fill. At this time, representatives of our company call the indicated numbers of the sales department (distribution), check the website of the company and information on the Internet received by the robot parser about the company. This is the second phase of the surface inspection and plant expertise.
  • Step 3: After the first two stages, the representative in the region and the NODE holder will be notified of the need to verify the counterparty. He has a checklist for checking on legal data, a comparison of the manufacturer's data in the questionnaire and setting up the production. If the counterparty has a discrepancy with the specified data, he will be able to correct the data in the presence of the representative. The representative is interested in the correctness of the entered data, as he receives 10% of the service revenue from the region through a smart contract. In cases of frequent violations or inconsistencies with the data of already operating counterparties, the representative after the audit may be deprived of the right to represent the service, and accordingly the profit.


Stage #1: PreICO
  • Start date: 4th of January 2018 (9:00 AM, Time zone: GMT+6)
  • End date: 25th of January 2018 (23:59 PM, Time zone: GMT+6)
  • Form of Payment: ETH, BTC, BCC, LTC, USD
  • Price: 1 USD = 4 AID tokens
  • Amount of tokens per one person: unlimited
  • Minimum transaction amount for fiat: 100 USD
  • Minimum transaction amount for cryptocurrencies: 20 USD
  • Maximum transaction amount for fiat: 500 USD
  • Maximum transaction amount for cryptocurrencies: unlimited
  • Bonuses: +15%
  • Return: The entire period
  • The number of attempts: 1
  • The minimum number of tokens: All bought and bonus
  • The maximum number of tokens: All bought and bonus
  • Bonuses: Return at zero cost, after will be destroyed
Stage #2: ICO
  • Start date: 26th of January 2018 (00:00 AM, Time zone: GMT+6)
  • End date: 15th of February 2018 (23:59 PM, Time zone: GMT+6)
  • Form of Payment: ETH, BTC, BCC, LTC, USD
  • Price: 1 USD = 4 AID tokens
  • Amount of tokens per one person: unlimited
  • Minimum transaction amount for fiat: 100 USD
  • Minimum transaction amount for cryptocurrencies: 20 USD
  • Maximum transaction amount for fiat: 500 USD
  • Maximum transaction amount for cryptocurrencies: unlimited
  • Number of tokens: infinitely
  • Bonuses: No bonuses
  • Return: up to 04.02.18 11:59 p.m, Only tokens purchased at this stage
  • The number of attempts: 1
  • The minimum number of tokens: All bought and bonus
  • The maximum number of tokens: All bought and bonus

For more information please visit link below:


About Me:

ETH Address: 0xc9A0cD3C9D00b61F5e46B4f234F5adb91fAB0A78

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